It will install current () stable binaries from here OpenNI framework PrimeSense OpenNI-compliant components and Sensor Kinect =.

Hopefully they will work! (Disclaimer: Use at your own risk.) This is what it does This program will automate the installs for setting up a kinect camera with OpenNI and Prime Sense NITE. Then plug your Kinect camera into a USB port on your computer and try to run some of the demos which are installed with OpenNI and NITE. Unzip KinectInstall.zip and run KinectInstall.exe. Instructions: Please uninstall any related installations before commencing. Most of it is based on instructions from but I couldn’t get this to work so also used and an installer from here So, just in case it helps someone else here it is. I got it working but then needed to rebuild my PC, soooo Since I didn’t find a package which carries out the whole thing, and the prospect of carrying out these repetitive tasks again prompted me to create a program which does most of the hard work on Windows. I have recently been hacking around with a kinect camera + OpenNI + PrimeSense NITE components and initially it was quite challenging to get the software bits and pieces installed correctly. Operating System: MacOS Microsoft:: Windows POSIX Programming Language: Python:: 2.6 Python:: 2.7. This package provides only the Python bindings be sure to install OpenNI (and optionally NiTE) first.

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